Business Continuity


Here at ACEIT we specialise in keeping your business running. Our data centre is fully geared to ensure your company’s business continuity.

business continuity disaster recoveryWe have the equipment in place to power your servers back up within our environment. This allows your business to continue operating as usual with the least amount of downtime possible. We can implement this through two different ways. Through the Growing Business plan via VirtualBoot Technology or through the Large Business plan via HeadStart Restore.

VirtualBoot Technology:
VirtualBoot is provided by the Oracle Corporation. It is a piece of vitalisation software that allows us to open your backup, finalise it and boot your server into a virtual environment. This is a great temporary measure and allows us to rebuild your server in the meantime.

HeadStart Restore:
This is a process that takes your backup image, whether the image has been created hourly or daily. It then applies it to one of our VMWare ESXi servers which loads your server as it was up to an hour before the crash.

Our storage servers store your backup in your own vault. If you are on the Large Business plan, once a backup is received, we then apply the backup and join it to the powered down virtual machine. In case you need the backup, we finalise the backup and then tell the VMWare ESXi server to power up the virtual machine, bringing the server online in our environment.


A little bit complicated? Please contact one of our IT specialist via phone on 1800 825 683, or click here for email or live chat.